You will need:
-hair gel
-food coloring
-a q-tip or something to apply the dye
-foil (optional but results are better if you use foil)
-small container to mix the dye in
Step 1: Squeeze a little bit of hair gel into the container.
Sorry for the picture quality.
Step 2: Add a few drops of food coloring into the dye. Depending on the shade of color you want, don't use too much or not enough.
Step 3: Stir the food coloring and gel together with your q-tip/cotton swab. Make sure it is completely mixed.
Step 4: Now get your Barbie ready and select the piece of hair your want to dye. *Put the foil underneath the section of hair.* Gently put the dye on with the q-tip. Then fold the foil over the colored-hair.
*This step is optional, but the results are nicer when this step is not skipped. *
Step 5: Let your Barbie's hair sit for a day. After that period of time, take of the foil and brush the colored pieces of hair. If the dyed hair is not dry, let it dry without the foil.
DO NOT WASH THE DYE OUT. This is temporary. It will wash out over a couple of washes.
This is what the blue hair dye looks like after being ran under water. Do not do what I did if you like bold color.
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