Birthday Wishes Barbie

Birthday Wishes Barbie

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How to Dye Your Barbie's Hair Temporarily

Dying Barbie hair is fairly easy. It only takes a few easy steps and materials the results are fantastic! 
You will need:
-hair gel 
-food coloring
-a q-tip or something to apply the dye
-foil (optional but results are better if you use foil)
-small container to mix the dye in

Step 1: Squeeze a little bit of hair gel into the container. 
Sorry for the picture quality. 

Step 2: Add a few drops of food coloring into the dye. Depending on the shade of color you want, don't use too much or not enough. 

Step 3: Stir the food coloring and gel together with your q-tip/cotton swab. Make sure it is completely mixed. 

Step 4: Now get your Barbie ready and select the piece of hair your want to dye. *Put the foil underneath the section of hair.* Gently put the dye on with the q-tip. Then fold the foil over the colored-hair.
*This step is optional, but the results are nicer when this step is not skipped. *

Step 5: Let your Barbie's hair sit for a day. After that period of time, take of the foil and brush the colored pieces of hair. If the dyed hair is not dry, let it dry without the foil. 
DO NOT WASH THE DYE OUT. This is temporary. It will wash out over a couple of washes. 

This is what the blue hair dye looks like after being ran under water. Do not do what I did if you like bold color.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Adding Barbie Hair without Re-Rooting it

How to Add Barbie Hair Without Completely Re-Rooting their Hair
You need:
-a wig, or some kind of hair source
-low heat hot glue gun (prepare to use your finger to smooth out glue, or just use a metal tool of some sort.)


Step 2: Cut off the Barbie's original hair. Make sure her most of her hair is completely gone. If it isn't all gone, her original hair will show through.

Step 3: Put a hair tie around the section of hair from your wig (we advise you don't use your hair) that you will be cutting off to use for your doll. Cut underneath the section of hair so that the hair tie remains, holding the hair together. Carefully pull out generous sections of hair from the ponytail. Set them down, so they are ready for you to use. 

Step 5: On the doll's bald head, put on a small dot of glue. Carefully place the section of hair onto her head with your finger or tool and push it into the glue. Let that dry, and don't pull of the hair that wasn't firmly glue on and was on top. Now put a dab of glue on top of the piece of hair and smooth it with your finger or tool. 
Continue this step for her whole head. It is your choice whether to make a hair line or not. Depending on the amount of glue you put on top of the pieces of hair, you may or may not have specks of glue on top of the hair. Don't worry about this, it will fade over time and/or fall off. 

There you go! This technique isn't perfect, but it does have a semi-nice result, and is better than an ugly barbie. It's fast, easy, and affordable!

Have any Questions or Suggestions? Leave your questions below and let us know what you'd like for us to tutorial on! 

Remember: You don't have to be a Barbie to be amazing!

            The Barbie Girls
              Professional Barbie Cosmetologists

Welcome to the Barbie Girls Blog

Welcome to Our Blog
Welcome to our blog, where you can find anything about Barbie’s! We will give you tips on hair, makeup, clothing, and much more. We will show you how to make easy clothing , fix makeup, fix hair, add hair, and re-rooting.
Stay tuned!!
-The Barbie Girls